Internship Programs


Internship program for undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG), and PhD students across all streams, with a focus on soft skills development, involves designing tailored curricula for each level of study. Below are structured plans for the internship programs, one by one:

Internship Program for Undergraduate (UG) Students:

To equip UG students with foundational soft skills necessary for workplace readiness, team collaboration, and professional communication.


6-8 weeks (can be extended based on institutional requirements)

Key Focus Areas:

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Teamwork and Collaboration
  3. Time Management
  4. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
  5. Adaptability and Flexibility


  • Week 1: Introduction and Orientation

    • Overview of soft skills and their relevance in the workplace.
    • Introduction to communication tools (emails, reports, presentations).
    • Ice-breaking sessions and team-building exercises.
    • Setting personal and professional goals for the internship.
  • Week 2: Effective Communication

    • Workshops: Written and verbal communication.
    • Email etiquette, writing clear reports, and formal letters.
    • Public speaking: Confidence-building and clarity in delivering ideas.
    • Activities: Mock presentations, group discussions, and feedback sessions.
  • Week 3: Teamwork and Collaboration

    • Understanding team dynamics and the importance of collaboration.
    • Role of empathy, emotional intelligence, and feedback in teamwork.
    • Activities: Case studies, team projects, and role-playing exercises to develop group problem-solving.
  • Week 4: Time Management

    • Tools and techniques for prioritizing tasks.
    • The importance of setting deadlines and personal discipline.
    • Introduction to productivity tools (Trello, Notion, Google Calendar).
    • Activities: Time-blocking exercises and daily task management projects.
  • Week 5: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

    • Basics of identifying and analyzing problems.
    • Approaching problem-solving with creativity and structured thinking.
    • Activities: Real-world problem-solving tasks, case study discussions, and brainstorming sessions.
  • Week 6: Adaptability and Flexibility

    • Handling changes, feedback, and working under pressure.
    • Staying positive and resilient in challenging scenarios.
    • Activities: Simulation exercises on workplace challenges, handling feedback, and changing project requirements.
  • Week 7: Final Project and Presentations

    • Students are assigned a final project (related to their field of study).
    • Focus on integrating learned soft skills (communication, teamwork, time management).
    • Activities: Group project development and final presentations, with feedback from mentors.
  • Week 8: Evaluation and Feedback

    • One-on-one evaluations with feedback on each intern’s performance.
    • Career guidance and next steps: CV-building, interview tips, and recommendations.

 Internship Program for Postgraduate (PG) Students:

To enhance PG students' soft skills focusing on leadership, decision-making, and advanced communication for higher-level professional roles.


8-10 weeks

Key Focus Areas:

  1. Advanced Communication and Negotiation
  2. Leadership and Team Management
  3. Critical Thinking and Decision-Making
  4. Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution
  5. Workplace Ethics and Professionalism


  • Week 1: Introduction and Goal Setting

    • Overview of soft skills required in mid-to-senior roles.
    • Personal career aspirations and professional soft skill development.
    • Activities: Goal-setting exercises, self-assessments, and mentor meetings.
  • Week 2: Advanced Communication and Negotiation

    • Enhancing written, verbal, and interpersonal communication.
    • Negotiation Skills: Techniques, strategies, and importance in professional environments.
    • Activities: Role-playing in negotiation scenarios, conflict resolution exercises.
  • Week 3: Leadership and Team Management

    • Principles of leadership: Emotional intelligence, motivation, and delegation.
    • Managing teams effectively: Inspiring and leading by example.
    • Activities: Leadership simulations, team-building projects, and decision-making exercises.
  • Week 4: Critical Thinking and Decision-Making

    • Sharpening analytical skills for real-world business problems.
    • Decision-making models: Rational, intuitive, and creative approaches.
    • Activities: Case studies, strategic planning workshops, and mock decision-making panels.
  • Week 5: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution

    • Understanding emotional intelligence and its application in leadership.
    • Managing interpersonal conflicts and mediation strategies.
    • Activities: Conflict resolution workshops, real-life scenario discussions.
  • Week 6: Workplace Ethics and Professionalism

    • Understanding professional behavior, workplace ethics, and cultural sensitivity.
    • Case studies on ethical dilemmas and professional responsibilities.
    • Activities: Ethical decision-making simulations, discussions on industry-specific workplace norms.
  • Week 7-8: Project and Leadership Role

    • Students take leadership roles in a project (group or individual), leading a team or managing specific aspects of a project.
    • Activities: Ongoing project development with regular mentor feedback.
  • Week 9: Final Presentations and Peer Evaluation

    • Present the project with a focus on leadership, decision-making, and communication.
    • Peer evaluation to assess collaborative and leadership skills.
    • Activities: Group presentations, peer feedback, and discussion.
  • Week 10: Career Guidance and Feedback

    • Individual feedback sessions with mentors.
    • Guidance on CV enhancement, interview tips, and advancing in the chosen field.
    • Mock interviews based on their career path (academia, industry, or entrepreneurship).

Internship Program for PhD Students:

To provide PhD students with the opportunity to develop leadership, research communication, and academic or industry-focused soft skills.


12 weeks (or adaptable based on project requirements)

Key Focus Areas:

  1. Research Communication and Publication
  2. Leadership and Mentoring
  3. Project Management and Strategic Thinking
  4. Public Speaking and Conference Presentation
  5. Work-Life Balance and Stress Management


  • Week 1: Introduction and Individual Development Plan

    • Assessment of PhD students’ goals (academic career, industry, entrepreneurship).
    • Personalized development plans for soft skills improvement.
    • Activities: One-on-one goal-setting and self-assessment sessions.
  • Week 2-3: Research Communication and Publication

    • Techniques for clear and effective communication of complex research.
    • Writing for publication, preparing for peer review, and responding to criticism.
    • Activities: Workshops on scientific writing, editing drafts for submission, and mock peer-review exercises.
  • Week 4-5: Leadership and Mentoring

    • Leading research teams and mentoring junior researchers.
    • Strategies for effective supervision, delegation, and collaboration in academic settings.
    • Activities: Mentoring simulations, leadership in lab management exercises.
  • Week 6-7: Project Management and Strategic Thinking

    • Managing long-term research projects, deadlines, and funding.
    • Strategic thinking for project development and successful grant applications.
    • Activities: Project planning workshops, simulations on budget management, and writing grant proposals.
  • Week 8-9: Public Speaking and Conference Presentation

    • Advanced public speaking skills for academic conferences and seminars.
    • Presenting research to diverse audiences (both academic and non-academic).
    • Activities: Mock conference presentations with peer feedback, storytelling in research communication.
  • Week 10-11: Work-Life Balance and Stress Management

    • Managing stress and maintaining a work-life balance during intensive research.
    • Tools and techniques for mental well-being and stress reduction.
    • Activities: Workshops on mindfulness, stress-relief techniques, and time management strategies.
  • Week 12: Final Evaluation and Career Counseling

    • Presentations on research leadership and communication.
    • Individual feedback sessions, focusing on their career paths (academic, industry, or alternative careers).
    • Activities: Final presentations and personalized career guidance.

These internship programs are designed by CGC to cater to the specific needs of students at different academic stages while emphasizing essential soft skills that will enhance their employability and professional growth.

Framework for Internship Programs (UG, PG, PhD)


  • UG: 4-6 weeks
  • PG: 6-8 weeks
  • PhD: 8-12 weeks


  • Week 1-2: Orientation and Soft Skills Training
  • Week 3-4: Industry/Research-Specific Skills (customized to the student’s stream)
  • Week 5-6: Project Work/Hands-on Experience
  • Week 7-8 (PG/PhD): Advanced Projects, Reporting, and Presentation Skills
  • Final Week: Evaluation, Feedback, and Certification

Core Soft Skills Training Modules

1. Communication Skills

Duration: 1 week

  • UG: Focus on verbal, non-verbal, and written communication. Activities include group discussions, mock interviews, and email etiquette.
  • PG: Advanced writing (reports, proposals) and presentation skills.
  • PhD: Scientific communication, writing research papers, thesis writing, conference presentations.

2. Teamwork and Collaboration

Duration: 1 week

  • UG: Team-building exercises, collaborative projects, and role assignments.
  • PG: Interdisciplinary teamwork, leadership within teams, task management.
  • PhD: Cross-department collaborations, leadership in academic/research teams, mentoring skills.

3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Duration: 1 week

  • UG: Case studies and simulations to encourage logical thinking, creative solutions.
  • PG: Analytical problem-solving related to their specific field.
  • PhD: Research-based problem-solving, developing hypotheses, data analysis.

4. Time Management and Organizational Skills

Duration: 1 week

  • UG: Prioritization, time blocking, meeting deadlines.
  • PG: Balancing academics, research, and internships.
  • PhD: Project management, timelines for thesis/research completion.

5. Networking and Relationship Building

Duration: 1 week

  • UG: Basics of professional networking, LinkedIn profile creation, networking with peers and mentors.
  • PG: Building professional networks, expanding industry/academic contacts.
  • PhD: Networking within academic communities, research collaborations, conferences.

6. Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution

Duration: 1 week

  • UG: Understanding and managing emotions, resolving conflicts in teams.
  • PG: Emotional intelligence in professional settings, resolving workplace conflicts.
  • PhD: Navigating complex relationships in academic/research settings, resolving conflicts with supervisors or collaborators.

7. Presentation and Public Speaking

Duration: 1 week

  • UG: Basic public speaking, delivering concise presentations.
  • PG: Advanced presentation techniques, handling Q&A sessions.
  • PhD: Conference presentations, defending thesis work, research proposal presentations.

Industry/Research-Specific Skills


  • Depending on the student’s stream, introduce basic skills relevant to their industry. For example, for STEM students, this could involve lab work or technical tools, while for arts students, it may focus on creative portfolios, content creation, or media-related work.


  • More focused on the application of their knowledge. For example, management students will work on case studies from industries; science students might conduct experiments or research; arts students could engage in projects that enhance their practical skills.


  • Research-based internships tailored to their area of study. Encourage independent research projects, publishing papers, collaborating with academic/industry professionals, and leading small teams of research assistants.

Hands-on Project Work


  • Small-scale projects like preparing case studies, group assignments, or fieldwork, depending on their stream.


  • More in-depth projects such as research work, industry-specific tasks, or contributing to real-time company or academic projects.


  • Full-fledged research projects, writing research papers, conducting experiments, and contributing to journal publications.

Advanced Reporting and Presentation Skills (PG/PhD)

Week 7-8 (For PG/PhD students only):

  • PG: Writing reports, preparing proposals, financial and strategic presentations.
  • PhD: Presenting research findings, thesis defense preparation, publishing research work.

Evaluation, Feedback, and Certification

Final Week (All Levels):

  • Evaluation: Based on communication, teamwork, project completion, problem-solving, and soft skills developed.
  • Feedback: Detailed feedback on performance from mentors and peers.
  • Certification: Issued upon successful completion, outlining the skills gained and projects completed.

Additional Optional Modules

  • Digital Literacy and Online Tools: Training on tools like Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and industry-specific software.
  • Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity: Working in diverse environments and respecting cultural differences.
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking: For students interested in startups, including business model creation, market research, and pitching ideas.

This structure ensures that students across all educational levels (UG, PG, PhD) receive relevant soft skills training while also gaining hands-on experience in their fields, preparing them for future academic or industry challenges.

Fee Structure

  • UG Students (4-6 Weeks Program): ₹1,500 - ₹2,000 per student
  • PG Students (6-8 Weeks Program): ₹1,800 - ₹2,000 per student
  • PhD Students (8-12 Weeks Program): ₹2,000 per student